Let’s close the gap in mental health support at work for new parents and carers.

Introducing a new, groundbreaking workplace learning and certification pathway dedicated to perinatal mental health.

Brought to you by two leading UK Perinatal Mental Health charities

At least 20% of women and birthing people, and 10% of men will experience a perinatal mental health problem during pregnancy and in the years following birth.

Despite (much needed) progress in conversations and provisions at work for broader mental health, physical health conditions impacting women, equal parenting and family friendly working practices, perinatal mental health still seems to be largely overlooked.

Missing from family policies.

Missing from mental health policies.

Missing from Health & Safety assessments.

Missing from Mental Health First Aider training.

Missing from wellbeing resources and Employee Assistance Programmes.

Missing from conversations.

Our ambition is…

…that parents*and carers thrive professionally and personally during their journey into and through parenthood, in a supportive and psychologically safe workplace.

*we use ‘parents’ as an inclusive term to refer to people with parental responsibilities; mums, dads, birthing people, partners and non-birthing people.

It’s not a badge, it’s a movement.

  • Available Now - Free Resources

    Sign up for a free account to access and download our free toolkits detailing perinatal mental health guidance for your HR team and for supervisors and line managers.

  • Coming Soon - Standard Partner

    This annual subscription gives you access to a wide range of online perinatal mental health tools to apply at your own pace in your organisation.

  • Coming Soon - Gold Standard Partner

    Our top tier subscription consisting of online resources and expert consultancy, helping and guiding your organisation as you implement the gold standard of mental health support for new parents and carers.

We want every workplace…

…to embrace their opportunity to provide effective support for all parents and carers, to be a part of detection and recovery during what can be a pivotal and vulnerable time of life: from conception, through to birth and beyond.

Hear from experts

We bring together a collective voice of experts from a wide range of backgrounds so that you can understand the far reaching nature of perinatal mental health, personally and professionally. Hear from clinical experts, experts by experience and more, learn how to support the mental health of your colleagues, your team and your organisation during their journey into and through early parenthood.